Kumara Parvatha, also known as Pushpagiri, is a peak located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. It stands at an elevation of about 5616 ft (1,712 m) and is a popular trekking destination among adventure enthusiasts
Complete Trek guide to Netharavathi peak, Belthangadi
Netharavathi Peak is a stunning mountain peak located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. It is a part of the Kudremukh National Park and is situated near the town of Belthangadi.
Complete Trek guide to Pushpagiri, Somawarpete
Pushpagiri, also known as Kumara Parvatha, is a popular trekking destination located in Somawarpete, Karnataka, India.
Complete Trek guide to Narasimha parvatha & barkana falls, Agumbe
Narasimha Parvatha and Barkana Falls are two popular trekking destinations in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India.
Top 6 paragliding sites in India
One of the purest and most natural types of flying. It makes use of a paraglider, in which the pilot is hung by a large, curved cloth wing while seated in a harness. Since no engine exists, pilots take off by moving quickly and gaining lift.