Complete Trek guide to Kumara Parvatha, Kukke

“The last place where a man may fully feel wild is in the mountains”

Kumara Parvatha, also known as Pushpagiri, is a peak located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. It stands at an elevation of about 5616 ft (1,712 m) and is a popular trekking destination among adventure enthusiasts. The trek offers a unique combination of beautiful natural surroundings and a challenging trail. The trek starts from the base camp at Kukke, a small village located in the Western Ghats, and is considered to be of moderate-difficult level.

The trek passes through dense forests and offers breathtaking views of the Western Ghats. Along the way, trekkers can spot a variety of flora and fauna, including rare species of birds and animals. The trek can take anywhere from 5-7 hours to complete, depending on the level of fitness of the trekker.

The best time to trek is between October to May as the weather is pleasant and the trekking is the best during this time. Visitors are advised to carry enough water, proper trekking shoes, and other necessary items such as a raincoat, torch, and first-aid kit.

In addition to the trek, Kukke is also known for its beautiful natural surroundings and Sri Subrahmanya Temple, which is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the region. Visitors can also enjoy bird watching and exploring the nearby waterfalls and temples.

It’s also important to note that this place is a protected area and permission is required from the Forest Department to trek.

The deity’s description

Sri Subrahmanya Temple in Kukke is dedicated to Lord Subrahmanya, also known as Lord Kartikeya or Lord Murugan. Lord Subrahmanya is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati and is considered to be the Hindu god of war and victory. He is also known as the “Divine General” and is worshipped as the commander of the celestial army.

In Hindu mythology, He is believed to have been born to defeat the demon Tarakasura and is considered to be the embodiment of power and strength. He is often depicted holding a spear or a weapon and riding on a peacock.

The temple at Kukke is considered to be one of the most important pilgrimage sites for him. The temple is located at the base of the Kumara Parvatha and is believed to be the place where he appeared in front of the sage Agastya. The temple is also known for its beautiful architecture and intricate carvings.

Devotees visit the temple to offer prayers and seek blessings from him. The temple also attracts many visitors during the annual festival of Subrahmanya Shashti, which is celebrated in November-December.

Step by step Trek guide to Kumara Parvatha Kukke

  1. Start your trek from the base camp at Kukke Subramanya. This is where you will register and get the necessary permits.
  1. Begin by trekking through the dense forests of the Western Ghats, following a well-defined trail.
  1. After about 2-3 hours of trekking, you will reach a spot called Bhattara Mane, which is a small shelter for trekkers.
  1. Continue the trek, crossing small streams and rocky terrain, until you reach the halfway point known as Pushpagiri.
  1. From Pushpagiri, the trail becomes steeper and more challenging, as you make your way towards the summit of Kumara Parvatha.
  1. Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated to avoid fatigue.
  1. As you near the summit, you will come across a small temple dedicated to Lord Subramanya.
  1. After reaching the summit, take in the stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  1. Retrace your steps back to the base camp, taking care to follow the trail carefully.

10. Reaching the base camp, where you can rest and enjoy refreshments before returning to your home.

Note: It’s important to check the weather conditions before starting the trek and make sure to carry enough water and food, wear suitable shoes and clothing, and take necessary precautions. It’s also important to not litter and respect the nature around you.

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